I would like to know if swimming is a good exercise to lose weight?
Hello, I am 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 130 pounds. I have lost 10 pounds this year. I workout 3 times a week and swim twice a week. I would like to know if swimming if a good exercise to lose weight. Thank you.
Congrats on the weight loss!
Swimming has enabled you to lose...
I am trying to get good abs and have excess skin. How can I get a washboard stomach?
I am trying to get good abs. Yet I find that I still have an excess of skin not fat. I'm 16 years old. My underlying muscles are strong, yet they don't show through. How can I get that washboard stomach?
Basically, by exercising your abdominal muscles through weight lifting and reducing the overlying body...
Why do so many weight loss diets now push exercise?
Why do so many weight loss diets now push exercise? I really don't mind exercising, but I just seem to forget after a while. What can I do to get into the exercise habit and why is it important?
Research has found that exercise, when combined with a calorie-controlled eating plan, helps increase the amount...
Is there a dietary program with exercise that will help me lose weight and tone my body?
I am aware that you have no idea who I am, but this morning I was on the Women's Sport & Fitness page and I got your link. I have many questions that hopefully you can give me some answers.
I completed the Healthy Body Calculator® and it provided me with information regarding what my...
Why do I feel hungry when I’m exercising, but when I go home, I’m not hungry?
Why do I feel hungry when I'm exercising, but when I go home, I'm not hungry anymore?
Moderate exercise by itself does not increase your appetite unless you have exercised too hard where you don't have enough oxygen to carry on a conversation or are on a quick weight loss diet which has depleted your...
During my workout, I get light headed and yawn a lot.
I workout a lot. From time to time during my workout, I get very light headed and notice I yawn a lot. What do you think?
I feel I have a good diet. I don't eat fast food, fried food, or much junk food. I'm lactose intolerant, so I can't drink milk. I don't eat...
What foods should we eat before and after exercising?
We were wondering what foods we should eat before and after exercising?
A variety of the 6 food groups from the My Plate would be OK to eat 2 to 4 hours before exercising. High fat or high sugar foods would not be recommended nor would a large meal be a good idea. A mixed...
I filled out your calculator and with the nutritional results it provided, how do I split them up?
I went and filled out the Healthy Body Calculator® that you created. The information it provided was very helpful, but I do have another question.
Given the nutritional results it provided for me, how do I split them up throughout the day? Do I measure what I should have for each meal that will provide...
I try to eat healthy, but I need a diet plan that sticks.
I have been walking every day for over a year. I recently increased my exercise, in addition to the walking (about 2 miles a day), to also biking 3 times a week and lifting some weights.
I try to eat healthily, but I think that I just need a diet plan to stick to. I...
I am a very active man in his 20’s yet I’m having trouble with the fat on my sides.
I am a very active man in his 20's yet I'm having trouble with the fat on my sides. I must admit I'm not that careful with my dieting, but I'm not entirely careless. I have been running lately and it seems that helps with burning the fat. I feel like I could lose...