My fiance has been trying to lose weight using a low carb diet.

My fiance has been trying to lose weight using a low carb diet. She is just slightly overweight and has never really been dedicated enough to ever be successful at a regular reduced calorie diet. When I try talking her into a more sensible diet, she accuses me of being unsupportive. Any suggestions? Weight can...

Is there any problems with a high fat, high protein, low carbohydrate diet like Dr. Mario Disasquale’s anabolic diet?

Wondering if there are any problems (kidney, liver, heart, prostate) with a high-fat/high-protein/low carbohydrate diet like Dr. Mario Dipasquale's anabolic diet? The diet's main energy source is fat and protein. It restricts carbohydrates to less than 30 grams per day during the week and then on the weekend (no longer than 48 hours) you...

I wanted to know your opinion of the protein power diet that is gaining popularity.

I wanted to know your opinion of the protein power diet that is gaining popularity. As you probably know, it's promoted by two MD's (Drs. Eades). They have two levels: one is about 30 grams of carbohydrate a day; the other is a little less restrictive, about 55 grams per day (which is the...

Someone would be hard pressed to convince me that low carbohydrate is not healthy.

Your information on low carbohydrate eating is questionable. You do not cite a single study, nor do you rely on information from the research of any type. What I know to be true is that since I have begun restricting my carbohydrates during the day to virtually 0 grams and enjoying as much carbohydrate as...

What are the differences between Atkins diet and a low calorie diet?

While looking up different diets, we came across the Atkins low carbohydrate diet. What are the differences between such a diet and a low-calorie diet? Are low carbohydrate diets safe? Are low-calorie diets safe for that matter? How do these diets affect people with different profiles i.e. athletes vs. overweight people? Are there perhaps different strategies that...

How many grams of carbohydrate are in a glass of orange juice?

I can lose weight on a low carbohydrate diet. I count grams of carbohydrates and usually aim for around 50. I only need to lose 15 pounds. Can you tell me how many grams of carbohydrate are in a glass of orange juice? Some lists say 1/2 cup contains 12 grams of carbohydrate and...