Is peanut butter fattening?
Is peanut butter fattening? It seems that whenever I eat it I gain weight.
No, peanut butter by itself is not fattening and one of my favorite foods. It does have some peanut oil in it which is a healthy oil and some protein. One tablespoon of peanut butter is comparable to the calorie content...
I have lost 93 pounds by eating a low fat diet and have stopped eating all meat.
I have been on a diet for 4 months and 3 weeks. I have lost 93 pounds in that amount of time. My starting weight was 485 pounds. I am eating a low-fat diet and have stopped eating all meat. I do eat seafood, beans, grains, fruit, and vegetables. My question is I have...
I am trying to lose weight and your website helped me know how much to lose.
I went to your page because I am trying to lose weight. Your website helped me know how much to lose. Now is the hard part TO LOSE IT. I hope I can. Thanks.
Thanks for your feedback. Eat less (but not less than 1200 calories) and exercise at least 60 minutes a day, enough...
Does eating a diet high in complex carbohydrates, a good idea for obese folks?
For several years, I have read that it is desirable to eat a diet high in complex carbohydrates from bread, pasta, potatoes and such, but recently read an article that appears to indicate that for obese folks like myself (female, 5 feet 3 inches, 247 pounds) this might not be such a good idea....
I don’t know if I should follow up on two diet authors Dean Ornish and Cliff Sheats.
I not sure what is the best strategy for me in losing weight. I'm 255 pounds and 5 feet 8 inches. Right now I don't know if I should follow up on 2 diet authors that interest me. These are Dean Ornish and Cliff Sheats. Ornish deals with more a low-fat vegetarian diet with...
It’s time for a HELP diet reboot.
Thank you for your reply!!!
You are correct. I stuck with the HELP diet for several years, but as time went by, several of my good habits started being forgotten. Now, it seems, I'm doing nothing but eating frozen pizzas and other carb and/or protein heavy foods. So, it's time for a reboot.
The thing I...
How does dieting play a role in healthy hair, strong nails, and clear skin?
How does dieting play a role in healthy hair, strong nails, and clear skin?
What ways can you boost your metabolism and lose weight the right way without doing any dietary supplements?
Yes, food plays a role in the health of your hair, nails, and skin. Hair and nails are similar in that they are rigid...
My brother is trying a liquid diet and this seems very dangerous to me.
My question is about the amount that a person needs a day in protein. My brother is trying a liquid diet. I told him that he needs not only vitamins and minerals but also a certain amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. I was especially concerned about protein and how overall his calorie intake...
Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who want to lose weight?
Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who want to lose weight?
The Weight Management practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in working with people who want to lose weight and keep it off. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your...
Research indicates that women 5 feet 5 inches should weight 119 pounds. Upsetting to me.
I heard on the news and have been watching my newsgroups about the latest and "greatest" research indicating that women 5 feet 5 inches should weigh 119 pounds. The research claims that the weight standards published currently are far too "lenient". This is extremely upsetting to me. I am 5 feet 5 inches and...