My mother is over 100 pounds overweight and she lost her will to try to lose again.

My mother, 53 years old, is over 100 pounds overweight. She has dieted on every 'plan' on the market, almost all her life. She has in the past lost all the weight and reached her goal weight, only to gain all of it and more within a year or so. My big concern is...

I don’t know if I should follow up on two diet authors Dean Ornish and Cliff Sheats.

I not sure what is the best strategy for me in losing weight. I'm 255 pounds and 5 feet 8 inches. Right now I don't know if I should follow up on 2 diet authors that interest me. These are Dean Ornish and Cliff Sheats. Ornish deals with more a low-fat vegetarian diet with...

I have a food allergy, overweight, kidney disease, and spine issues. Is there any help for me?

I've had help in the past from a dietitian before the thyroid doctor decided that she didn't need one anymore. However, in the interest of being concise, I have a food allergy list (kills me dead), nightshades (all of them) -tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant) banana, cantaloupes, watermelon, kiwi, and mango. I'm about 90 pounds overweight...

I achieved a goal weight of 135 pounds on Weight Watchers, have put 30 pounds back on and then some.

I am trying to get in shape thru exercise, diet, and lifestyle. In 1987, I had achieved a goal weight of 135 pounds on the Weight Watchers program. Over the course of the last 10 years, I have put the 30 pounds back on and then some, (currently 181 pounds.). I have had 5 friends...

Five days ago I started on Slim Fast as a substitute for just one meal a day.

Five days ago I started on Slim Fast as a substitute for just 1 meal a day. I drink it in place of lunch and eat a light breakfast, a sensible dinner, with no desserts and low-fat cooking. I've already lost 5 pounds. I've started "lap-walking" at our local mall, too. Yesterday I noticed a...

Is peanut butter fattening?

Is peanut butter fattening? It seems that whenever I eat it I gain weight. No, peanut butter by itself is not fattening and one of my favorite foods. It does have some peanut oil in it which is a healthy oil and some protein. One tablespoon of peanut butter is comparable to the calorie content...

I am on the Jenny Craig program, it’s expensive, and my weight loss is too slow.

I am currently on the Jenny Craig program. It's getting a little expensive and my weight loss is too slow. How can I speed up? I am using Nordic Track, but yet am losing only a pound a week and spend about $80.00 on Jenny Craig food. Your program should be designed to lose only...

What can I do to lose excess weight?

I'm 5 feet 4 inches and weigh 149 pounds, am I overweight? If so what can I do to lose the excess weight? To determine your healthy weight range, I would also need your gender and age. If you are over 18, you can use the Healthy Body Calculator®. If you are younger, try the...

What is obesity?

What is obesity? Obesity is a medical diagnosis that describes a condition where you weigh 20% more than the maximum you should for your age and gender. Obesity is a risk for getting diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Obese kids are more likely to be obese adults. For instance, if you are 10-year old girl...

Does eating a diet high in complex carbohydrates, a good idea for obese folks?

For several years, I have read that it is desirable to eat a diet high in complex carbohydrates from bread, pasta, potatoes and such, but recently read an article that appears to indicate that for obese folks like myself (female, 5 feet 3 inches, 247 pounds) this might not be such a good idea....