With long history of back injury, I have been advised to get my weight down.

I am a 57-year-old Australian man of 5 feet 10 inches weighing 105 kilograms (231 pounds). I have a long history of back injury with problems at L5 to L4 and now a new condition with L5 to S1 disk almost non-existent. I also have a narrowing at C6 from a broken neck. Don't...

I am trying to get good abs and have excess skin. How can I get a washboard stomach?

I am trying to get good abs. Yet I find that I still have an excess of skin not fat. I'm 16 years old. My underlying muscles are strong, yet they don't show through. How can I get that washboard stomach? Thanks Basically, by exercising your abdominal muscles through weight lifting and reducing the overlying body...

I’ve read some convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they work and can I eat all the starch I want?

I've read some pretty convincing ads about starch blockers. Do they really work and can I really eat all the starch I want? No. I had thought we had heard the last of the starch blocker issue when the FDA banned them. Starch blockers do not prevent you from absorbing starch and do not live...

Can you refer me to a website which contains a complete table of calorie content for foods?

Can you refer me to a website which contains a rather complete table of calorie content for a large list of foods, preferably in units of the more rational calories/grams, but alternatively in the more common units of calories per ounce or serving size? The USDA has a great lookup tool for individual foods at...

A physician assistant at a hospital is advocating a protein sparing modified fast diet.

There's a physician assistant at a hospital near me that is advocating a "protein sparing modified fast" type of diet that includes lots of lean meats and is not more than 800 calories/day. I have always read this to be a very unhealthy way to eat, but he insists it works and says he...

Friends I sit with at lunch started eating 100 to 200 calorie lunches. Is a call for attention?

Recently, my best friend was diagnosed with anorexia. After that, the friends I sit with at lunch started eating 100 to 200 calorie lunches. This was a huge change from the normal meals I'd seen them eat. Is this just a passing call for attention? Wow, that's interesting, but not surprising. Are all your friend's...

I am trying to lose weight and your website helped me know how much to lose.

I went to your page because I am trying to lose weight. Your website helped me know how much to lose. Now is the hard part TO LOSE IT. I hope I can. Thanks. Thanks for your feedback. Eat less (but not less than 1200 calories) and exercise at least 60 minutes a day, enough...

I have lost 93 pounds by eating a low fat diet and have stopped eating all meat.

I have been on a diet for 4 months and 3 weeks. I have lost 93 pounds in that amount of time. My starting weight was 485 pounds. I am eating a low-fat diet and have stopped eating all meat. I do eat seafood, beans, grains, fruit, and vegetables. My question is I have...

I want to lose weight. and am looking for a food plan.

I am a 22-year-old female that weighs 175 pounds and am 5 feet 5 inches tall. I am currently active for 1 hour a day, 4 days a week jazzercise class. I desperately want to lose weight. According to your Healthy Body Calculator®, I am very obese. What I am looking for is a...

I have an employee who exercises at lunch and after work.

I have an office manager who started working for me less than 3 months ago. Right off the bat, she started taking 1 1/2 to 2-hour lunches so she could run. This is after she worked out in the morning for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Then she leaves promptly at 5:55 P.M....