Is sugar in the US Dietary Guidelines for added sugars or just sucrose?
You have been so kind to take the time to answer my questions. Thank you so very much. Please permit me a couple of follow-up questions.
The US Dietary Guidelines recommend moderate intake of sugar which includes sugar you add to food at the table as well as sugar added by food manufacturers.
Am I...
I found your website by looking up that cabbage soup diet to fit into this wedding dress.
Ironically enough, I found your website by looking up that silly Cabbage Soup Diet. After reading what many doctors and health workers had to say about it, I've found that there is no such thing as a "Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital" (the hospital that supposedly prescribes this hideous starvation-torture diet) and furthermore, there never...
I’m trying to find research articles about metabolism and dieting.
I'm trying to find research articles that might talk about metabolism and dieting. Specifically does eating a very low-calorie diet slow down metabolism because it thinks it is starving?
Yes eating a very low-calorie diet (VLCD) of<600 calories per day will slow your metabolism due to your body thinking it is starving.
You can search PubMed,...
I have been suffering of anorexia for as long as I can remember.
I have been suffering from anorexia for as long as I can remember. I spent 9 weeks in Renfrew and about 2 years going to a Registered Dietitian. I fear to put food in my mouth for I am afraid that it will turn to fat. I also see two therapists each week and...
Where can I find a dietitian who can measure my metabolism or how many calories I need?
Where can I find a dietitian who can measure my metabolism or how many calories I need per day?
Dietitians can use an indirect calorimeter to measure your metabolic rate or the number of calories you need per day. It is a quick and inexpensive test.
The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs practice groups of the...
Consider your stance on low carb diets.
My daughter is a dietitian. She fought it but now consults positively. What I am discussing is the Low Carb Diet. I have attended 2 seminars in past 6 weeks. Other dietitians are disputing your negative statements. May I suggest you rethink and investigate a bit past what you have been taught? As my...
Research indicates that women 5 feet 5 inches should weight 119 pounds. Upsetting to me.
I heard on the news and have been watching my newsgroups about the latest and "greatest" research indicating that women 5 feet 5 inches should weigh 119 pounds. The research claims that the weight standards published currently are far too "lenient". This is extremely upsetting to me. I am 5 feet 5 inches and...
I don’t know if I should follow up on two diet authors Dean Ornish and Cliff Sheats.
I not sure what is the best strategy for me in losing weight. I'm 255 pounds and 5 feet 8 inches. Right now I don't know if I should follow up on 2 diet authors that interest me. These are Dean Ornish and Cliff Sheats. Ornish deals with more a low-fat vegetarian diet with...