If I am eating healthy and working out, why am I not losing weight?

If a person is eating healthy and working out... what is the reason that they might not be losing weight? Your weight is determined by the calories in the food you eat minus the calories your body expends keeping itself running plus activities and exercise. In order to lose 1 pound per week, you must...

I’m taking a diet product called Omni Trim which is supposed to curb your appetite and speed up your metabolism.

I recently started taking a diet product called Omni Trim. Have you heard of it? Is it supposed to curb your appetite and speed up your metabolism? Thank you. Since I don't know which one of the many Omnitrim products you are using, I'll tell you about a few of them. According to the Omnitrim...

What does BEE stand for in nutrition?

What does BEE stand for in nutrition? BEE = basal energy expenditure. It is the number of calories your body burns lying awake in bed without moving a muscle. Most people's bodies burn more calories just keeping the body running than they burn up in exercise with their muscles during a typical day.

What is your opinion on vegan, dairy-free and 5:2 diets?

I'm a year 9 student from St Patrick's College in Tasmania, Australia. I am researching diets for one of my classes as my final assignment. I would like your opinion on the following diets, vegan, dairy-free and the 5:2 diet. I would like to know how effective and sustainable you think they are, whether...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who want to lose weight?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with people who want to lose weight? The Weight Management practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics specializes in working with people who want to lose weight and keep it off. You can find a dietitian at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Include your...

How many calories should I eat for my height and size in order to lose weight?

With so many so-called experts out there with such a variety of diets and nutrition theories, I'm overwhelmed. So, I'm going back to the basics. I'm charting my calorie intake and trying to eat sensibly in attempting to lose a few pounds. I'm wondering, however, how many calories I should be consuming a day...

I found your website by looking up that cabbage soup diet to fit into this wedding dress.

Ironically enough, I found your website by looking up that silly Cabbage Soup Diet. After reading what many doctors and health workers had to say about it, I've found that there is no such thing as a "Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital" (the hospital that supposedly prescribes this hideous starvation-torture diet) and furthermore, there never...

My wife broke her hip and ever since she has been underweight.

My wife fell and broke her hip 2 years ago. Ever since then she has been underweight. She only weighs around 94 pounds. When I try to sneak in larger portions, she notices it and leaves some. I can't get her to eat more. Do you have any suggestions? She can't walk very far...

Can you give me some tips to losing weight?

Can you give me some tips for losing weight? Ten Changes You Can Make to Lose Weight * Appetizer reading Ten Simple Healthy Eating Habits. Set realistic goals - You didn't put on extra weight overnight so it is equally unrealistic to take it off quickly. Record a goal that you can reach in one...

Would weight loss be equal on 1200 calorie/day high protein, low carb vs. 1200 calorie/day high carb?

Given everything else identical, would weight loss be equal on 1200 calorie/day high protein, low carb vs. 1200 calorie/day high carb? Thanks for your reply. While a calorie is a calorie, it shouldn't make any difference. However in high protein, low carbohydrate weight loss diets, people lose weight faster due to loss of body water rather...