Would your 1200 calorie high protein, low carb vs high carb answer apply to a type II diabetic on pills?
THANK YOU! I love your reply on high protein low carbohydrate diets and have linked to it in several places on Facebook!
Would your same answer apply to a 66-year old Type II diabetic using drugs to control (no insulin)?
As far as weight loss, yes. As to best nutrition therapy for a person with Type...
How many calories does the average alcoholic beverage have?
I have a question regarding alcohol, calories and weight gain. How many calories does the average alcoholic beverage have? And, is it typical for drinkers (depending on amount) to gain or lose weight? Thanks so much.
Alcohol has been found to stimulate the appetite and 1 drink before meals have been prescribed for adults with...
I have a female friend who weighs between 100 to 105 pounds
Here is my question: I have a female friend who is 16 years old. She weighs between 100 to 105 pounds. Also, she is 5 feet 4 inches tall.
She is doing several things. First, she went on a water diet and lost about 10 pounds. Then, she tried diet pills, once almost overdosed. Then,...
I started to take MetRx which contains aspartame.
For the past two weeks, I have started to take MetRx. A couple of my friends have brought up the fact that it contains aspartame which supposedly kills brain cells and has not been approved by the FDA. I take this mix twice a day and the difference I have noticed is that I...
The Metropolitan Life Insurance tables qualifies me as underweight. Should I be worried?
I am 5 feet 7 inches and weigh 108 pounds. By the Metropolitan Life Insurance tables, this qualifies me as underweight. But I'm only 18 and the tables don't include my age group. I want to know if I should be worried and try to gain weight, but I can't seem to find any...
We are putting together a resource for individuals who are vegetarian and are physically active/athletic.
My partner and I are nutrition students from the University of Saskatchewan and are trying to put together a resource for individuals who are vegetarian (various types, including vegan) and are physically active/athletic. We want to offer information that will help physically active vegetarians maintain and optimize health and performance through meeting their nutritional...
I can prevent weight gain by eating better. Do you have simple tips?
I know that I can prevent weight gain by eating better. Do you have some simple tips that will help me?
What to eat - No magic food causes weight loss and no food is inherently fattening. Eat a variety of foods from meat, legumes, dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables and a 1 tp 2...
I am 21 years old now, but my eating disorder started when I was 16.
I am 21 years old now, but my eating disorder started when I was 16. Most of the past 5 years were spent in hospitals or in a blur. I am 4 feet 10 inches weighing 130 pounds at the start. Which was truly overweight since my normal weight range was supposed to be...
I am overweight and need a 1200 calorie diet.
I am overweight and a need 1200 calorie diet. Please send a copy to me.
Weight loss eating plans are not a one size fits all. I would highly recommend you contact a Registered Dietitian for assistance. In the meantime, try my HELP Healthy Eating For Life Plan® for a personalized eating plan based on...
I would like to use the Healthy Body Calculator to attain a normal weight.
I really would like to use the Healthy Body Calculator® and get some feedback to help me attain a normal weight. Being 5 feet 5 inches and 110 pounds I am pretty sure that this is not a normal weight to have. I am also somewhat anorexic. For example, if you put a large...