Do I count calories or calories from fat?

Do I count calories or calories from fat? Depends on why you are counting. Counting total calories is helpful to maintain body weight. Counting fat is helpful to reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer. It might be easier to keep track of the grams of fat you eat each day. To determine how many grams...

I am a vegetarian and binge on vegetables.

I am a vegetarian and eat dairy products sparingly. I feel that my diet is generally healthy and I exercise 4 to 5 times a week for about 45 minutes. My problem is that I binge every 2 weeks or so. My binges don't seem to be triggered by emotions or cravings and when...

What amount of carbohydrates I should be consuming each day for weight loss?

I've read the questions submitted by other readers and I've realized that I am going to sound very stupid and woefully ignorant but here goes. I have been trying to find out what amount of carbohydrates I should be consuming each day to assist my efforts at weight loss. I am a 50-year-old female....

Everyone who has been on a diet knows they will gain weight as soon as they go back to their old way of eating.

I have read a few or your question and answers. You asked a couple of times "What are they going to eat when they get off of the high protein diet? Well, after having talked to my own doctor (who I thought was nuts for telling me to eat protein) it's not just a...

Where can I find a dietitian who can measure my metabolism or how many calories I need?

Where can I find a dietitian who can measure my metabolism or how many calories I need per day? Dietitians can use an indirect calorimeter to measure your metabolic rate or the number of calories you need per day. It is a quick and inexpensive test. The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs practice groups of the...

What is your opinion of the Zone diet promoted by Dr. Barry Sears?

What is your opinion of the Zone Diet promoted by Dr. Barry Sears? Although it does restrict carbohydrates, it prescribes them at 1.33 times the grams of protein so I don't think it is in the same category as the low carbohydrate diets. In other words, it is not at all ketogenic. In addition,...

Where can I find a dietitian who can calculate how many calories I eat?

Where can I find a dietitian who can calculate how many calories I eat? The Medical Nutrition and Nutrition Entrepreneurs practice groups of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics can calculate your calorie intake from your food records and make recommendations for healthy eating changes. Dietitians often have their own private practice nutrition counseling services...

Is it better to workout in the morning, afternoon, or night to increase metabolism?

I was wondering, how can a person increase their metabolism? Is it better to workout in the morning, afternoon or night? Current research hasn't proven that exercise time of day affects metabolism, so exercise when it fits into your schedule 30 minutes, 5 times per week. Just exercise! Exercising within a few hours of sleep may...

I am a recovering bulimic and am in fear of how my diet affects my life.

I was surfing the net trying to find all the info I could find on hypoglycemia. I am a recovering bulimic. Both my parents are alcoholics. My father is a "rageaholic". I think this stems from a sugar disorder. I am also in recovery for money issues. I am debt free, but I still use...

What is NutraSweet?

What is in NutraSweet? It tastes good and doesn't leave a bitter aftertaste like saccharin. NutraSweet is the brand name of aspartame. Aspartame contains two amino acids, aspartic acid, and phenylalanine. Together they make foods taste sweeter. Persons with PKU (phenylketonuria) cannot use aspartame because it would raise their blood levels of phenylalanine. PKU is...